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a bit about me…

I am an early childhood educator, administrator, mentor, consultant, and workshop facilitator.

I enjoy designing flexible structures that support responsive curriculum for children, families, and educators. My work with colleagues and clients builds on my commitment to clarity, contribution, and connection.

I am a white woman, living in Seattle on the land of the Duwamish and Coash Salish people.

My pronouns are she/her/hers.

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I was 12 years old when my younger brother was born, and I began helping to care for him at home, and volunteering at his childcare program. As soon as I was old enough, I worked there as a substitute teacher on all my vacations and summers. In the years since then, I’ve never done any other kind of work.

In college I studied Child Psychology, and worked at the campus childcare center, going from there directly to another lab school job after graduation, while starting my graduate studies in Human Development.


In September of 1995, I moved to Seattle and began teaching at Hilltop Children’s Center. I worked in a classroom with 3-5 year olds for my first 10 years, then transitioned to working in the office. I filled a number of administrative roles: bookkeeping, office management, enrollment, and interim program director.

I completed my master’s degree in 1999, focusing on administration and supervision, and writing a thesis about pedagogical narration called “Show and Tell: The Disposition to Document.”


When my son Brayden was old enough to begin attending Hilltop, I transitioned to roles focused on faculty support and pedagogy, serving as Curriculum Specialist and then Education Director for the next 12 years.

After spending just over 25 years at Hilltop Children’s Center, in August of 2021 I began working as Operations Manager at Epiphany Early Learning Preschool. I’m excited to support the good work being done at EELP, and to continue bringing my commitment and experience to people and programs interested in responsive curriculum.